Braunscheidel, Michael (2024). Seismic geomorphology, structural fabric and physical properties of a giant carbonate hosted mass failure: West Midland Basin, Texas. Fourth International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2024) INT P3 – Reservoir Characterization 1.
Cherayil, Joseph (2024). Numerical modeling of PP and PS reflections in DAS VSP. Fourth International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2024) DAS P6 – Processing and Quality Control 2.
Fakeye, Victor (2024). The role of fracture pressure in the strain response of enhanced geothermal systems: A THM modeling approach. Fourth International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2024) DAS P3 – Geothermal.
Garcia-Ceballos, Ana (2024). Slug flow monitoring using distributed acoustic sensing in pipelines or horizontal wells. Fourth International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2024) STUD P3 – Geophysical Insights.
James-Ravenell, Martis (2024). Characterizing inwell DAS signal before fiber breakage. Fourth International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2024) DAS P1 – Fracture and Borehole Monitoring 1.
Jin, Shenyao (2024). Conductive Fracture Monitoring Using Distributed Strain Sensing: From Stimulation to Production. Fourth International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2024) DAS P2 – Fracture and Borehole Monitoring 2.
Li, Peiyao (2024). Analyzing heart-shaped signal in cross-well strain measurements for fracture tip distance. Fourth International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2024) DAS 1 – Fracture and Borehole Monitoring 3.
Ning, Yanrui (2024). CO2 Sequestration into A Depleted Natural CO2 Dome: Sheep Mountain, Colorado. Fourth International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2024) CO2 2 – Modeling.
Ning, Yanrui (2024). Investigation of hydraulic fracture orientation and propagation velocity in DJ Basin. Fourth International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2024) NA 10 – The Rockies: The DJ Basin.
Ning, Yanrui (2024). Advancing Large-scale Geological Carbon Sequestration in Colorado. Fourth International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2024) W-8: GCS and Reservoir Characterization Toward 2050 Commitment: Bottlenecks and Challenges and Opportunities for Geophysics.
Omar, Samara (2024). P-wave Imaging using the Horizontal OBN Component Data of the SEAM Phase 1 Salt Model. Fourth International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2024) SP P10 – Miscellaneous Advancements.
Titova, Anna (2024). Reducing the Number of Sources in the Land Seismic Surveys with Compressive Sensing Sampling Strategies. Fourth International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2024) W-13: Operating at Low-Cost: Autonomous Sources and Long-Term Monitoring.
Tura, Ali (2024). Keynote: Value of PS waves for 4D AVO inversion and time-shifts. Fourth International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2024) W-2: Advancements and he Road Ahead in 4D Seismic.
Yermakov, Roman (2024). Joint PP/PS inversion of 4D eFWI-enhanced data: Edvard Grieg Field, North Sea. Fourth International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2024) AAS PS – Multicomponent Seismic Data Analysis.
Zhu, Donglin (2024). Estimating soil strength using ultra high resolution seismic and geological unit. Fourth International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2024) NS P6 – Seismic for Urban Geophysics.
de Souza Bezerra, M., Simmons, J. L., and Gaiser, J. (2023). Shallow seafloor velocity estimation using regression neural networks. 84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition 2023 (1), 1-5,
Erdinc, B. (2023). 3D characterization for CO2 geo-sequestration using a high-resolution seismic survey: Powder River Basin, Wyoming, USA. Third International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2023) STUD P1: Student Poster Session 1.
Garcia-Ceballos, A. (2023). Monitoring a gas hydrate field with distributed temperature sensing for long-term well integrity. Third International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2023) BH P1: Borehole Geophysics for Carbon Storage.
Herman, D. (2023). Static modeling and characterization of deep saline aquifers with limited data for carbon sequestration. Third International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2023), STUD P4: Student Poster Session 4.
Li, P. (2023). Predicting fracture-hit time and location: A Cross-well strain-based early warning system. Third International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2023), STUD P2: Student Poster Session 2.
Li, P. (2023). DAS-recorded P wave generated from perforation shot: an insight from numerical simulation. Third International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2023), DAS 2: Seismic Analysis and Inversion.
Ning., Y. (2023). Coupled fluid-geomechanical modeling for a large-scale CO2 sequestration project in Southern Colorado. Third International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2023), CO2 2: Modeling and Simulation
Ning., Y. (2023). Investigation on the azimuth variation and propagation of hydraulic fractures using low-frequency distributed acoustic sensing (LF-DAS). Third International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2023), DAS 3: Low-frequency DAS and Strain Sensing
Tura, A. (2023). A new method to realize dynamic reservoir properties from 4D seismic data: A North Sea application. Third International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2023) TL1 1: Advances and Case Studies.
Tura, A. (2023). The CCUS landscape and vital role of geophysics. Third International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2023) SS 3: Recent Advances and the Road Ahead: Hot Topics in Geoscience 1.
Cheng, L., Simmons, J., & Tura, A. (2022, August). Imaging and fold comparison of mirror reverse time migration vs. interferometric imaging for VSP data. In Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (pp. 3594-3598). Society of Exploration Geophysicists and American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
De Souza Bezerra, M., Simmons, J., & Gaiser, J. (2022, August). Seafloor elastic parameters estimation using a regression neural network. In Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (pp. 3671-3675). Society of Exploration Geophysicists and American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
M de Souza Bezerra, J Simmons, J Gaiser Pseudo S-wave splitting effects associated with poor receiver coupling on ocean bottom multi component data
Jin, G. (2022, August). DAS: The survival toolkit for geophysicists in the wilderness of unconventional. In Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (pp. 3054-3058). Society of Exploration Geophysicists and American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
Li, P., & Jin, G. (2022, November). Quantitative analysis of DAS recorded P-wave generated by perforation shots. In SEG/AAPG International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy.
Ning, Y., Mjehovich, J., Zhu, X., & Jin, G. (2022, November). Low-frequency DAS interpretation upon multi-crew zipper fracturing configuration. In SEG/AAPG International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy.
Ning, Y., Jin, G., Zhu, X., & Tura, A. (2022, June). Integration of production communication and hydraulic fracture connection in unconventional reservoirs. In SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference.
Tura, A., Simmons, J., Daneshvar, S., Copley, M., & Stitt, J. (2022, August). PS-wave seismic data: A game changer in exploration and monitoring. In Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (pp. 3658-3660). Society of Exploration Geophysicists and American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
Zhu, X., Jin, G., & Hammack, R. (2022, August). Hydraulic fracture-hit detection system using low frequency DAS data. In Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (pp. 575-580). Society of Exploration Geophysicists and American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
Cheng, L., Jin, G., Michelena, R. (2021). Bayesian Inversion for Rock Composition and Petrophysical Endpoints in Multimineral Analysis. IMAGE 2021 First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy.
Liu, Y., Huff, O., Jin, G. (2021) Convolutional neural network for guided-wave energy identification in microseismic DAS data. IMAGE 2021 First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy.
Luo, B., Stanek, F., Jin, G. (2021). Near-field strain of microseismic events in downhole DAS data. IMAGE 2021 First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy.
Ning, Y., Schumann, H., Jin, G., Tura, A. (2021). A Machine Learning-based New MVA Workflow to Find Correlations in Complex Datasets Applied to Fracture Diagnostics. IMAGE 2021 First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy.
Schumann, H., Jin, G. (2021). Near-wellbore hydraulic fracture connectivity inferred by tube waves in DAS perf shot records. IMAGE 2021 First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy.
Stanek, F., and Jin, G. (2021). Reservoir characterization using DAS microseismic events. IMAGE 2021 First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy.
Titova, A., Wakin, M., Tura, A. (2021). Empirical Analysis of Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Using the Curvelet Transform: SEAM Barrett Model. IMAGE 2021 First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy.
Titova, A., Wakin, M., Tura, A. (2021). Two-stage Sampling – A Novel Approach for Compressive Sensing Seismic Acquisition. IMAGE 2021 First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy.
Tura, A., Simmons, J., Daneshvar, S., Copley, M., Stitt, J. (2021) Improving reservoir characterization and time-lapse seismic through joint inversion of PP-wave and PS-wave seismic data. IMAGE 2021 First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy.
Zhu, X., Jin, G. (2021). Analysis of Cross-well Fracture Hits in DJ Basin, Colorado using Low-Frequency DAS Data. IMAGE 2021 First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy.
Kutun, K., Jin, G., Miskimins, J. (2021). Measurement Environment’s Effect on DTS Surveys: A Case Study on Fiber Cable-Wellbore Coupling. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference 2021.
Damasceno, A., Tura, A., Simmons, & Vasquez, G. (2020). Integrating Rock Physics, 4D Inversion and Time-Shifts for Pressure and Waterflooding Discrimination in Jubarte Field (Brazil). 82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition 2020, 1-5.
Huff, O., Lellouch, A., Jin, G., & Luo, B. (2020). Analysis of guided waves excited by microseismic events in DAS data. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2020, 485-489.
Liu, Y., & Simmons, J. (2020). SEAM II Barrett model: Prestack multicomponent anisotropic modeling and its implications on fracture detection. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2020, 2191-2195.
Liu, Y., Wu, K., Jin, G., Moridis, G.J., Kerr, E., Scofield, R., & Johnson, A. (2020). Strain and Strain-Rate Responses Measured by LF-DAS and Corresponding Features for Fracture-Hit Detection during Multiple-Fracture Propagation in Unconventional Reservoirs. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, 20–22 July 2020, 1134-1152.
Liu, Y., Wu, K., Jin, G., & Moridis, G. (2020). Hydraulic fracture modeling of fracture-induced strain variation measured by low-frequency distributed acoustic sensing (LF-DAS) along offset wells. 54th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. ARMA-2020-1426.
Luo, B., Jin, G., & Lellouch, A. (2020). Estimation of seismic velocity and layer thickness of Eagle Ford Formation using microseismic guided waves in downhole distributed acoustic sensing records. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2020, 535-539.
Schumann, H., & Jin, G. (2020). Inferring near-well conductivity from DAS-recorded tube waves generated by perforation shots. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2020, 455-459.
Titov, A., Binder, G., Jin, G., Tura, A., Aaron, P., Yates, M., & Gunnell, A. (2020). Analysis of scattered waves observed in inter-stage DAS VSP data from zipper-fracturing operations. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2020, 3793-3797.
Titov, A., Fan, Y., Jin, G., Tura, A., Kutun, K., & Miskimins, J. (2020). Experimental Investigation of Distributed Acoustic Fiber-Optic Sensing in Production Logging: Thermal Slug Tracking and Multiphase Flow Characterization. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
Titov, A., Jin, G., Fan, Y., Tura, A., Kutun, K., & Miskimins J. (2020). Distributed Fiber-optic Sensing Based Production Logging Investigation: Flowloop Experiments. First EAGE Workshop on Fibre Optic Sensing 2020 (1), 1-5.