Former students

PhotoLast NameFirst NameProgramDegreeGraduatedResearch
 BurakIberdincGeophysicsMS2024Carbon capture and sequestration, distributed fiber-optic sensing, and machine learning
 MartisJames-RavenellGeophysicsMS2024Injection noise characterization using in-well DAS measurement
 JosephCherayilGeophysicsMS2024Time-lapse DAS VSP to monitor production in the Gulf of Mexico
 JamesCarmichaelGeophysicsMS2024Unconventional reservoirs, microseismic, distributed fiber-optic sensing, seismic inversion analysis
 DavidHermanGeophysicsMS2024CCUS Potential in Colorado
 MarihelenHeldGeophysicsMS20234D Simultaneous PP-PS prestack inversion of the Edvard Grieg Field, Norwegian North Sea
 EricHillmanGeologyMS2023Niobrara and Codell reservoir study
 AliRabaanGeophysicsMS2023SEAM Arid and Powder River Basin data quality analysis
Geological reservoir characterization and the optimization of fractured reservoir efficiency and performance
LiweiChengGeophysicsPhD2023Integrated reservoir characterization of Raudhatain field
MoacyrDe Souza BezerraGeophysicsPhD2023Time Lapse (4D) and multi component seismic processing for enhanced reservoir characterization
YoufangLiuGeophysicsPhD2023Velocity variation and anisotropy
AsmKamruzzamanPetroleumPhD2022Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in unconventional resources
KutunKaganPetroleumPhD2022fracture modeling in support of EGS COLLAB and high-resolution modeling of fiber optic distributed temperature sensing (DTS) for horizontal wells
 MjehovichJoeGeophysicsMS2022 (1) Quantitative analysis of low-frequency distributed acoustic sensing data for hydraulic fracture characterization. (2) Seismic site classification using distributed acoustic sensing
TitovAlekseiGeophysicsPhD2022Laboratory and numerical modeling for quantitative analysis of distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) data
 ZhuXiaoyu (Rosie)GeophysicsMS2022Hydraulic fracture modeling and characterization using low-frequency DAS and ML
BekbossinovNurbolPetroleumMS2021Integrated characterization of northern DJ Basin, Colorado: Reservoir modeling with hydraulic fracturing optimization
DownardAliGeophysicsMS2021Integrated characterization of northern DJ Basin, Colorado; Machine learning applications to reservoir characterization
HuffOwenGeophysicsMS2021Processing and interpretation of microseismic and VSP Distributed Acoustic Sensing data; Hydraulic fracturing time-lapse analysis
 MindygaliyevaBalnurPetroleumMS2021Integrated characterization of northern DJ Basin, Colorado: Reservoir modeling
SchumannHarrisonGeophysicsMS2021Tube waves, distributed fiber optic sensing, and machine learning applications for hydraulic fracture characterization
AminiKavehPetroleumPhDExpected Dec. 2020Reservoir modeling, enhanced oil recovery, hydraulic fracture modeling, multi-phase flow, fluid properties
PaysonToddGeophysicsPhD2020How well do we know what we think we know? Uncertainty in seismic data interpretation.
DamascenoAndreaGeophysicsMS20204D quantitative interpretation of Jubarte field (Brazil) - an integrated approach
DaneshvarSimaGeophysicsMS20204D Simultaneous PP-PS prestack inversion: The Edvard Grieg Field, Norwegian North Sea
DwihusnaNadimaGeophysicsMS2020Seismic and well log based machine learning facies classification in the Panama-Hugoton Field, Kansas and Raudhatain Field, North Kuwait
SilvaAtilasGeophysicsMS2020Rock physics modeling for quantitative seismic characterization of tight-gas sandstones in Neuquén Basin
VelasquesMaxGeophysicsMS2020Seismic deblending: Using iterative and compressive sensing methods to quantify blending noise impact on the feasibility of time-lapse projects
Al MulhimAbdulrahimPetroleumMS2019Hydraulic fracture treatment and landing zone interval optimization: An Eagle Ford case study
DurmusUfukGeophysicsMS2019Anisotropic analysis of unconventional reservoirs using rock physics model: Eagle Ford shale case study
TuppenCharles AdamGeophysicsMS2019Nine-component seismic aplitude invesrion: A case study in the Eagle Ford shale
BenitezPabloGeophysicsMS2019Analysis of velocity variation with Azimuth (VVAZ) for natural fracture and stress characterization, Vaca Muerta formation, Nequen Basin, Argentina
CorwinPatrickGeophysicsMS2019Seismic inversion for the Vaca Muerta shale of the Neuquen Basin, Argentina
SchultzWhitneyGeophysicsMS2019Time-lapse multicomponent geophone and DAS VSP processing and analysis
AzizianMitraGeophysicsPhD2018Stochastic inversion of seismic data by implementing image quilting to build a litho-facies model for reservoir characterization of Delhi field, LA 
BrattonTomGeophysicsPhD2018Stress Induced Changes in Elastic Wave Attributes in the Wattenberg Field, Colorado, USA
BrayMatthewGeophysicsPhD2018New seismic technologies for hydraulic fracture monitoring
CopleyMattGeophysicsMS2018Seismic characterization of Niobrara fluid and rock properties: a 4D study and multicomponent (3C) analysis 
DavesJacqueGeophysicsMS2018Horizontal Receiver Azimuth Orientation Estimates and Poststack Inversion
EkerErdincPetroleumPhD2018Numerical simulation of poroelasticity and multiphase flow in Niobrara matrix-fracture system
JohnsonAndrewPetroleumMS2018Constructing a Niobrara Reservoir Model Using Outcrop and Downhole Data
El KhouryPaulGeophysicsPhD2018Integration of rock physics and facies-based seismic inversion for reservoir characterization of the Ordovician Red River Formation at Cedar Creek Anticline, Williston Basin, USA
OmarSamaraGeophysicsMS2018Multicomponent seismic analysis for velocity variations with azimuth related to horizontal transverse isotropy
WibowoNoorGeophysicsPhD2018Seismic reservoir characterization of the Najmah Formation, Raudhatain Field, North Kuwait
AlfataiergeAhmedGeophysicsMS20173D Modeling and characterization of hydraulic fracture efficiency integrated with 4D/9C time-lapse seismic interpretations in the Niobrara Formation, Wattenberg Field, Denver Basin
HarryandiSheilaGeophysicsMS2017Facies modeling using 3D pre-stack simultaneous seismic inversion and multi-attribute probability neural network transform in the Wattenberg Field, Colorado
BaileyAustinGeophysicsMS2017Examination of anisotropy using Amplitude Variation with Angle and Azimuth (AVAZ) in the Woodford Shale, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma
Barbosa MurilloPaulaGeophysicsMS2017Sequence stratigraphic analysis and anisotropic elastic moduli determination of the Vaca Muerta formation, Neuquen Basin, Argentina
BoonyasatphanPratGeophysicsMS2017Reservoir characterization for unconventional resource potential, Pitsanulok Basin, onshore Thailand
BrugioniDanielGeologyMS2017Fault, fracture, and geomechanical analysis of the Niobrara Formation
ChenTingtingCivil EngineeringPhD2017Integrated reservoir characterization in Delhi Field, Louisiana: a continuous CO2 injection EOR project
GrechishnikovaAlenaGeophysicsPhD2017Niobrara discrete fracture network:from outcrop surveys to subsurface reservoir models 
Convers GomezCarlosGeophysicsMS2017Prediction of reservoir properties for geomechanical analysis using 3-D seismic data and rock physics modeling in the Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuque?n Basin, Argentina
JohnsonJamesGeophysicsMS2017Applications of geostatistical seismic inversion to the Vaca Muerta, Neuque?n Basin, Argentina
NurhasanAbdullahGeophysicsPhD20174D processing and time-lapse azimuthal amplitude analysis using legacy surveys for Niobrara reservoir characterization, Wattenberg Field, Colorado
UtleyJacobGeophysicsMS2017Time-lapse PP seismic to characterize stimulation and production behavior in the Niobrara and Codell reservoirs Wattenberg Field, Colorado, US
Avila VizuettKarlaGeophysicsMS2017Application of the seismic quality factor versus offset and azimuth (QVOA) for fractured reservoir characterization
Alvarado BlohmFernandoGeophysicsMS2016Quantifying the Value in Geoscientific Information Using Panel Data Econometrics 
AndrewsBenGeophysicsMS2016Shear-wave Splitting and Attenuation Analysis of Downhole Microseismic Data for Reservoir Characterization of the Montney Formation, Pouce Couple, Alberta 
BrushJenniferGeophysicsMS2016Faults and Fractures in the Niobrara Formation of Wattenberg Field, Colorado 
ButlerEmilyGeophysicsMS2016P-Wave Seismic Time-lapse Analysis of Horizontal Well Completions Causing Pressure Compartmentalization 
DangAngelaEngineeringMS2016Post-treatment Horizonal Hydraulic Fracture Modeling with Integrated Chemical Tracer Analysis, a Case Study
EppehimerJarredGeophysicsMS2016Spatio-temporal Microseismic Analysis of the Woodford Shale, Canadian County, Oklahoma 
GrazulisAllieGeophysicsMS2016Analysis of Stress and Geomechanical Properties in the Niobrara Formation of Wattenberg Field, Colorado, USA 
MabreyAlexandriaGeophysicsMS2016Rock Quality Index for Niobrara Horizontal Well Drilling and Completion Optimization, Wattenberg Field, Colorado 
MuellerStaciGeophysicsMS2016Application of Time-lapse Seismic Shear Wave Inversion to Characterize the Stimulated Rock Volume in the Niobrara and Codell Reservoirs, Wattenberg Field, CO 
PaskvichStephenGeophysicsMS2016Phase-shift Measurement Analyses of Time-lapse Seismic Data Over a Multi-well Hydraulic Stimulation, Wattenberg Field, Denver Basin 
KamruzzamanAsmEngineeringMS2015Petrophysical rock typing of unconventional shale plays: a case study for the Niobrara Formation of the Denver-Julesburg (DJ) Basin 
BishopKylaGeophysicsMS2015Mechanical Stratigraphy of the Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquen Basin, Argentina 
DudleyColtonGeophysicsMS2015Integrating horizontal borehole imagery and cluster analysis with microseismic data for Niobrara/Codell reservoir characterization, Wattenberg field, Colorado, USA 
KeenanJamesGeophysicsMS2015Stress prediction, fracture detection, and multiple attribute analysis of seismic attributes in a Barnett Shale gas Reservoir, Fort Worth Basin, Texas
PitcherTravisGeophysicsMS2015Joint geophysical and geomechanical analysis of in-situ stress, Wattenberg field, Colorado, USA 
VinalIreneGeophysicsMS2015Multicomponent seismic monitoring of stress arching in the overburden due to hydraulic fracturing in the Montney Shale at Pouce Coupe field, Alberta, Canada 
WhiteMatthewGeophysicsMS2015Time-lapse interpretation for P-wave data for a hydraulically fractured reservoir, Wattenberg Field, Colorado 
MotamediTaranehGeophysicsMS2015Time-lapse characterization of the Niobrara reservoir from multicomponent seismic data, Wattenberg field, Colorado 
Fernandez-ConchesoJorgeGeophysicsMS2015Characterizing an unconventional reservoir with conventional seismic data: a case study using seismic inversion for the Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquen Basin, Argentina 
PedrassiMauricioGeophysicsMS2015Application of waveform tomography at Campos Basin field, Brazil 
TamimiNaserGeophysicsPhD2015Determination of seismic anisotropy parameters from multicomponent vertical seismic profiles for improved seismic imaging and reservoir characterization